Welcome to the JCE Clinic
A parent will be called whenever a child has a fever of 100.4 degrees, or multiple symptoms present, diarrhea or vomiting, significant pain, repeated complaints or anything out of the ordinary
Please remember that if children are sent home with a fever, they must be fever free for 24 hours before they return. This means that they should not return the next day. The 24 hour period begins from the time they no longer have any fever or last dose of anti -fever medications.
Clinic Information
Medication, even over the counter medications, cannot be given at school without a medication authorization form completed by a physician and parent. You can download the form in the sidebar.
If your child requires sunscreen, lip moisturizer, or throat comfort lozenges you may complete the OTC form for your student. The medication must physically be brought to the clinic or to an Extended Day staff member* for proper identification and distribution to the classroom teacher.
*The medications & form listed above should only be given to Extended day staff IF your child attends Extended Day*
If your child has any chronic or serious conditions, please alert the teacher and myself so that we may work with you to keep your child healthy at school. We will develop a school health care plan.